
Showing posts from 2012

Air Expendibles

Just yesterday I heard the news Of a plane that dropped from the sky blues Now that's common when you fly in nigeria Planes fall like snow in siberia But for idleness I asked who was onboard And lo I heard its men with some blue blood yokowa and azazi; names they called Crashed to death in the dark creek's mud Crashed they said though foul the sound For killed I heard when the whispers came 'round Listen and learn if you want to know more As death is sent by men who hold law Azazi was one who talked too much About a party and a king and a burning church He said we die because of PDP And that the party is as poisonous as DDT Now we all know what happpens to that lot And to people who speak about the rot Usually they get a letter bomb And accidentally fall to an early tomb But azazi died in a funny plane crash and someone surely got bounty cash To kill a man now thought a liability And an embarassment to the dark fraternity Now we all kno...

No Love Country

Away and beyond away From where the sun sets today Be a place of many and few Where the king is thief and fool Stories be told even today Of that old place where crime is play Nothing will work in your area Rich and hungry is Nigeria  Take a walk my friend on a hot sunny day To the place where the reps and lawmen stay But don't be shocked at what they say For all they do is loot and play Bound and named by a white prince's whore  Nigeria is old but a fool much more Country yes but nation a no A neighbour is none but a jewish igbo  "Kill that man" they shout on the street A land with none but hate and beef Tribe is all that spells your fate Could get you a job or bloody your face Down and beyond is that dark place Don't go there to that wild state If you ever heard a Nigerian's story Then know ye that its "No Love Country"

On death's bed

Oh gone be the spoils of life Squandered on the longings of vanity Rushing to the setting sun Age rushed me to impromptu sleep Alone on a lonely death bed Surrounded by none that know me I wish I did most differently But aye life runs a straight course Gone be the smiles of youth Gone be the days of old Gone be the days I saw Gone be the me that was Wish me for a silver coin A coin of sighs and sorrow To take me to a life after A coin; material due for Charon Call my brother; call my sister Call my friend and my kinsman If any yet be alive today To tell a tale of my last day A day I was alone to my thoughts A day I learnt the wisdom of loneliness A day I lay breathing but my last A day I left on death's lonely bed

Let me breathe

All comes to conspire In the course to consume me Life becomes a murky mist Condensing to soak my lungs I thrash and i scramble Seeking to find respite How i live is mystery For death is all that greets me All my hands are forlon All i do becomes weary A smile is but a wish Laughter a kings ransom I yearn to gasp again To fill my lungs with purpose I need to rest a while For a while i need to breathe

God is the universal constant (speed of light) in E=mc2

shoot!!!! EUREKA!!!! deep thought about the metaphysics of the origin of time it has dawned on me that since according to the law of relativity (E=mc2) nothing can move faster than the speed of light and the speed of light is the universal constant for the interactions of space time, then GOD is obviously that constant...the constant that moves at that speed....God is the light as the bible always said...he is the electromagetism that holds the universe together...and according to the law of relativity, time is eternally existing with no beginning or ending....that means the constant that is God is eternal and is the source of matter as we know it...the eternal energy that condenses to form the matter of the universe (according to the law of relativity energy condenses to form matter and matter is broken down to release energy), to form all the energy we refer to as life, existent in all beings...God is the embodiment of the universe, he is the eternal constant ...

The Convergence of Science and Religion on the ‘God-being’

It is another Sunday and people have gone to church...i didn’t go but as I usually do when in solitude, I meditated upon the essence of my subliminal existence in the mysterious expanse of the cosmos. What keeps striking me is the disparity between the accounts of science and those of my Christian religion concerning the origins of the universe. I’m a learned individual and also intrinsically religious albeit spiritual in my disposition and perspectives. This thus creates an enigmatic conflict in comprehending or seeking explanations to my existence as a man. However, today while engrossed in retrospection, I came upon an impromptu resolution of the divergence between science and religion. This has been my 'holy grail' in my quest to resolve this philosophical paradox akin to Einstein’s quest to find a solution for the Unified Field Theory. I was so excited when it dawned upon me that science and religion are one and the same and none of both are exclu...

The Never Met

In the space called life lurks beings in the dark and the light those that move and those that touch some come to stay and some to nought  i feel the lot and none is awake i seem like the only one in the day that breaks yet in the last days i found a soul in the dark with a torch that brought the spark its a she! my heart alights i feel the essence that eludes my eyes she connects beyond the physical with a bond akin to the chemical i feel alone no more for another for a kind of another mother out of the dark she came and darkness fled her flame oh i seek no more for one for all i seek is now undone my eyes can now retire for i found what i once inquired: The ONE I NEVER MET

Aye I see

Aye aye, i see and its deeper than the depths of Olympus. i shall not forget for i drank not from the silver river of lethe the world is what it is. life is what we craft from nothing to everything. death comes to those that fear to wake. we die to be born to an ethereal existence above the plains of mortality. to shed the chains that hold us in a wakeful sleep. I long to pay carron the boatman to take me across to the other side for there i become a god and watch over the plays of mortal men. my body savours the vain pleasures of this existence but my soul knows better from an inherently dormant memory of whence it came and where it was. i am a god and now an avatar here in a phase of purification from an ethereal error. i come and i go for that is the path i walk

Liquid Words

Forth comes my liquid words,  food for an imprisoned mental. Awakening the soul of the wakeful zombie,  feeding off the mirage bread of dreams. A voice in the still cold darkness, i am but a clarion silent and loud within. Lonely in this mental campaign with none but the few i wake. I call in the night to them that know not their name. Awaken and remember for you are more than a mere number


The refined condensation of man's desire The great maker of kings All problems come to succumb The search stays eternal Scarce in unequal distribution The mother of war seduces all making kings of mortal men She breaks the lineal tree Transformed into savage monsters humility dies on the road The end justifies the root Conscience is a small price Money begets all wrongs mere paper becomes an idol After opens to vanity Man reduces to a slave

In yesterday's tomorrow (Poetry by HENRY "JudgeBush" AKUETE)

Yesterday was bright and full Yesterday i was young and hopeful I was a boy and i had dreams Yesterday was easy and plain Yesterday i looked to the rising sun And yesterday all was set before me Yesterday i saw the sun creep quietly into the golden horizon Yesterday i made my bed of hope And yesterday i made a silent prayer Yesterday i longed for tomorrow Tomorrow with the bounty of dreams But alas! I was awakened before dawn And found yesterday dead Lost in the tick-tock of the hour hand And born from yesterday's ashes arose the phoenix of yesterday's tomorrow Now i wake a hurried man While i slept a virgin boy In yesterday's tomorrow up is down Nothing is familiar within I am lost in an undone space In yesterday's tomorrow my dreams are bled Hope implodes as prayers spill from the heavenly altar In yesterday's tomorrow its fight or flight In yesterday's tomorrow weakness is a sin In yesterday's tomorrow i'm alone in many A...

Misty Perception

Obscure is the sight ahead perturbation and opacity lies before within the haze a black hole my future is undefined drawn within by curiosity my palm is a barren land nothing to read i see what rises in the horizon? my mental is hugged by confusion knowledge hides around anxiety is a hundred men in the midst of the noise i stand my becoming is a grail i search in the dizziness i spin around in blackness my future is hidden from me

I MIGHT DIE IN A LOWLY CHURCH (spoken word poetry by Henry "Judgebush" Akuete).

I might die today in a church Yea i might die because if i live i do not know For my offense is being a christian and some think it's punishable by death Not by the hangman's noose or by the noble injection It is by the fiery inferno of a crudely made explosive My execution is at the hands of a brainwas hed zombie Drunk with hate from a verbally served liquor  spewing from the gullet of twisted sheik He recruits soldiers he says to fight for God,  a god he thinks too weak to fight for himself Spilling the blood of innocents all for the ethereal gift of eighty virgins My christian albeit infidel blood is only worth a sex orgy I might die i know, and i might fall today In this lowly church where i come to worship and pray for those waiting to kill me I might die, i might get blown to pieces  but all i have is love and a shared brotherhood with my muslim neighbour Yea i might die and i might yet live but death comes to all If i die today then b...

DEATH IS A WHORE (spoken word poetry by HENRY "Judgebush" AKUETE)

 Death oh death, woe unto her She is a whore; a whore with an insatiable thirst to lay with all men Standing by the road of profane vanity She waits to defile my youth Oozing with the putrid smell of all that have laid with her She beckons to all with a smile that beggars a cry With h er scarlet robe of gruesome promiscuity She yearns to foul your coveted virginity Fat and ugly she opens to bereavement She has no watch for time is her slave All through time she has laid with the kings of men Immortal for days past she drinks the tears of sorrow Death oh death where art thou arisen? Where art thou born to haunt my joy? Taking the seed of young and unborn She wallows naked in the river of desolation I fear the looming dusk of sleep for death comes her cousin within Life is but a fleeting turture But death be the undying bride of grief Yes oh yes, i see and i know That death is trully a whore And yes i see that life is her pimp

Prayer for the innocents (Spoken word poetry by HENRY "Judgebush" AKUETE)

Yet the innocent blood be spilled Bled by the dry thirst of greed and hate With the lingering sounds of wailing ghosts I bury my head to call passing sleep The wailing of widowed wombs trespass darkness While blue tears burn the cheeks of the remaining Unable to buy sleep i sink knees to pray In silent entreaty to a higher sword If God yet be God then heed he my prayer Send ye down the minions of heaven To renew a paradise long lost to hatred Let the earth tremble and bleed Let the earth spit out the soul-less carrion of the slain innocents Let the graves remain empty that once held the temples of dead prophets Let the matyrs walk the earth a hundred days And bid ye return the tongue of elijah To call fire on the heads of impious kings Let the sun hide its warming light And darkness cover a long fortnight Let the skies bleed fire and let fall the fiery swords of angelic hordes Let the moon remain a burning mass Till the evil departs the plains of earth Let the ...

the missing miss

as the hoot of the lonely owl dies as the last of the subtle dew flies as the moon fades from the skies as the darkenss recedes from the eyes as the dawn wind blows and the grass lies as as the clock turns and dawn arrives as life awakens and the cock cries as morning comes and the sun shines as i wake and clear my mortal eyes my mind flies away so many miles to that place where my love lays asleep but awake in this heart of mine's the thought of her remains alight in my heart her fire never dies......

Ode to the Aluu Four

The rapid flickers of a youtube page Brought forth projections of horrid animalism My eyes bled in utter unbelief As I watched the true nature of mankind Men in inhumanity to fellow men Beating out the souls of errant kin Oh I saw and it was true though I prayed not That man is but a beast within chained by the invincible walls of a stretched justice system I saw these beasts unleashed for no reason but to satisfy a protracted thirst for similar blood Shrieking in wild ape-like ecstasy Aluu men drank from the spilled blood of lonely scape goats Four young men cut down for a crime of youthful ignorance Put to sword and fire for petty robbery While political cretins grow obese on the booty from inked robbery If cold blooded murder of unarmed deviants be a norm Then man is but un-evolved and still in the Darwinian class of wild underlings Beasts for which morality is drowned in the overwhelming compulsion of reptilian instincts Call ye not yourselves superior Call y...