
Showing posts from March, 2020

Queen of the night

Through windows glass stained light beams crawl, fighting through to call us back from dreamy shores reminding us it's not yet over Hell be upon and night long still the dark queen lords over day and night with fell crown of a thousand spikes one for each nation, color and tribe We heard she came from farthest east riding the cold grey winter winds born from sin when man played god maybe rumour, maybe true, but here she is conquering tribes on the silken road not color, nor coin, nor creed she cared calling the eldest of man by name making widows and orphans in cold dark night and carrion of many in the daylight time Fear, tears, whispers of death are all we have in sleepy hollow towns earth is dark and soil yet still as earth is sown by her green jade kiss alchemists unlearn all books yet hold the harp is broken, and string is torn songs forgotten of love and light poems and rhyme ashen and lost We look to the stars for sign, f...

Sing me to Sleep

Sing me to sleep Oh still gentle serenade A subtle breezy lullaby will do To pull down heavy black drapes over these beleaguered eyeballs these liquid lenses long seen all All the sorry earth let grow Sing me a song to take me away Far from this unreal reality to a land where we walk on clouds and trees grow old in the skies where the wind is happy where the moon is proud at noonday Where be grey Morpheus? To sing me a silver lullaby and ferry me to where angels sleep for mine eyes tire of salt and the clock ticks in vain if this here be wakefulness then I yearn to sleep and dream  © Henry Akuete 2019

The stars are falling

Wake up my friend This be no day to slumber this be a day to keep wake and watch for the world we knew has come undone Alas the stars once we knew in innocence And knew still when the tide was high Aye, the stars of yore and then which once sent silver blades of light shining into a world of dark silence to fill the lungs of the nightingale with songs of love and hope and point our way to a place where dreams come alive the stars which once told our stories and kept the demons in gehena's bay the stars that whispered into the night across time's circling silky road to remind the bleeding soldier in war's fields we are not alone even in pain's iron hold the stars we once knew and gazed aloft these stars are falling can't you see? These stars are falling, falling my friend One by one do they fade and fall going out on the beaches of a dying earth. (C) Henry Akuete 2019