Don't leave me
Call me, draw me, hold me
Make me kneel and bend
In the wind and rain whip me
Tear my skin away in pain
As you forge me with the cane
Drain me of joy and light
In my own sorrow drown me
Call my name in the dark
And let the fright chain me
I'm a slave to your long will
Take my name away from me
Let me know only your cold whistle
Nail me to an inverted cross
For agony is all you give me
Drag me through the rough streets
Let me know the beauty of shame
As they spit on me and mock me
While dogs lick my open wounds
feed me my own nauseous waste
Give me my piss for wine i drink
I am no man before your sight
Burn me when I'm still alive
When to a stake you tie me
Let me know no sleep in the night
Leave me to the mercy of wolves
And the howling hoots of grey owls
As i lie on your cold threshold
Give me pain and tears all day
But all i ask of you till death
Dont leave me all alone
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