Not all poetry is sweet

Not all poetry is sweet, Not every line is beautiful
Life is not a comedy,This poem is not beautiful
It is dark and otherworldly, Drawn from dark energy
With lines written in black ink
Ink made from dark matter and grey ether
Im not a living poet, im a dead poet
For my poetry is not for the living
The living are deaf and blind
Call me a dead poet because i die when i write
I bleed my very soul onto this papyrus
So by the time im done my hand falls
Call me accursed because all true poets are cursed
Cursed to die and rise again to write
To die when we write and write when we die
Our souls eternally trapped in limbo
Only to be freed by the very truth that haunts us
So we write to be free, to tell truth that makes us hated
My skin is covered with ancient rune tattoos
Every poem i write burned unto my own flesh
By seven arch angels with my own blood and tears
With my pen i stab my chest everyday
Tearing my heart out for immolation on the alter of truth
This is not the poem you know
This is a demon from the last circle of Gehenna
Lashing out at your very soul after the crimson dawn
This poem will reverse the hand of time
To an age of wolves and broken bones
To an age of lions, war and dark plagues
To an age of harps, strings and living poetry
Hey, dont call me a poet, call me a priest
For I'm a custodian of a broken temple of letters
A high priest of the mystical order of words
I dont love you, I loathe you
You who hate me for what I say
For calling you a name you wish to hide
I stand naked and defile your norms
I defecate in your temples of profanity and hypocrisy
But i told you this poem is not pretty
Not every poet is loved


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