begone, begone oh demon of chaos
like smoke in the wind, away your writers block
conjure for me my cherished muse
to sit on my shoulder and bleed my hand
The sun rises from the far ends of the east from tired slumber reaching out outstretched with golden blades of a zillion photons it blinds fell beasts of nocturnal habit chasing the darkness into the far corners of the cold west the mist rises, the dew falls from the blades of grass the lark is giddy as she sings of time and earth it is a new day for life, love, and hope -- Henry Akuete (the Undying Poet)
Just yesterday I heard the news Of a plane that dropped from the sky blues Now that's common when you fly in nigeria Planes fall like snow in siberia But for idleness I asked who was onboard And lo I heard its men with some blue blood yokowa and azazi; names they called Crashed to death in the dark creek's mud Crashed they said though foul the sound For killed I heard when the whispers came 'round Listen and learn if you want to know more As death is sent by men who hold law Azazi was one who talked too much About a party and a king and a burning church He said we die because of PDP And that the party is as poisonous as DDT Now we all know what happpens to that lot And to people who speak about the rot Usually they get a letter bomb And accidentally fall to an early tomb But azazi died in a funny plane crash and someone surely got bounty cash To kill a man now thought a liability And an embarassment to the dark fraternity Now we all kno...
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