Lone soldier
I'm a little man on a little road
Against the four elements i battle
Earth, wind, water and fire fighting
I bleed my own soul from within
When i fall from the hatred of gravity
Face has seen the farthest reaches
And blown about by the four winds
In reverse do i see time spinning
When the crow went before the hour
Truly I'm but an old beast of burden
As my sins weigh heavily on me
I carry myself like accursed Cronus
Through the dunes of the hourglass
My eyes spill silver rivers of tears
When i cry to curse the lofty gods
against supreme and higher forces
Alone to lick wounds and count losses
Pray me to ride the wings of pegasus
Away from these shadow demons
Spit from the deepest pits hades
To haunt my mind and drive me mad
Lookin Into the grey and dim future
I see me in me on the highest peak
Surrounded my a thousand crows
My foes slain around with Excalibur
Lo still do i see my father's fathers
All those who fell before my birth
Then i know the fates mark my road
They cut my thread even at this hour
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