The Convergence of Science and Religion on the ‘God-being’

It is another Sunday and people have gone to church...i didn’t go but as I usually do when in solitude, I meditated upon the essence of my subliminal existence in the mysterious expanse of the cosmos. What keeps striking me is the disparity between the accounts of science and those of my Christian religion concerning the origins of the universe. I’m a learned individual and also intrinsically religious albeit spiritual in my disposition and perspectives. This thus creates an enigmatic conflict in comprehending or seeking explanations to my existence as a man. However, today while engrossed in retrospection, I came upon an impromptu resolution of the divergence between science and religion. This has been my 'holy grail' in my quest to resolve this philosophical paradox akin to Einstein’s quest to find a solution for the Unified Field Theory. I was so excited when it dawned upon me that science and religion are one and the same and none of both are exclusive of one another. Eureka!!
       Now let me elucidate my resolution for the accounts of science and religion concerning the beginning of the universe.  In the biblical account of Genesis 1, it says "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". That statement implies that God was in existence before the creation of the earth....hmmmm. Now a look at the scientific perspective shows that the universe came to existence in the BIG BANG and that the universe was once extremely compact, dense, and hot. Some original event, a cosmic explosion called the big bang, occurred about 13.7 billion years ago, and the universe has since been expanding and cooling. Thus both accounts never tell about the true origin of God or the origin of the particles that sparked the Big Bang. This therefore creates a void for us.
        However, scientists also allude to the existence of a hypothetical fundamental particle known as the "higgs boson" which collided to form the matter of the Universe. This matter is referred to as the "God particle". This particle is thus what led to the beginning of the universe. When I thought about the God Particle, my mind lit up because I now came to the hypothetical conclusion that the God particle is what Christianity refers to in John chapter 1 as the "WORD". In John 1:1-5 it reads "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind". Thus if the God particle was the Word and the Word was God then we now have a resolution as to who or what led to the beginning of existence God. Thus we see that science and religion say the same thing via the use of different perspectives.
       Interestingly, science explains that the God particle interacts on the subliminal level of matter and dark matter. This is in parallel to the explanation of the bible that God is constantly interacting with the universe.  A look at this science-religion convergence is seen in the account of creation where Genesis 1 says the earth was created in 7 days while science maintains that the earth and its inherent life evolved over millions of years. Nevertheless, these two accounts are one and the same since the book of Isaiah 55:8 says “my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways” and Psalm 90:4 says “ in your sight a thousand years are like a day”. This implies that those millions of years could be like 7 days to God and interestingly, the book of genesis was written from the revelation of a superior being not from the account of a mortal man. So once more you see that science and religion say the same thing and acquire verification from each other.
        On a concluding note, I would like to state that the supreme question still lingers as to the origin of the God Particle or God which I shall now term the "God-being" as a resolution of both accounts. This shall now become the fundamental question for science and religion but it is my opinion that God delineated the obligations of religion and science for the rational comprehension of man. Religion is the conduit for the revelations of God while science is the apparatus for explaining or decoding this revelation for practical application based on the command of Genesis 1:28 that man should conquer and subdue the universe.  Science is constantly learning and I am sure a time shall come when the origins of the God-being shall be explained.


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